The University enrolls the most rigorous in the U.S.

2016, more than 20 million students run the universities in America. Business Insider rated the most rigorous admissions among 50 top universities in this country.

Topping the charts is the Stanford University in California with the successful rate of 5% and an average SAT score of 1,466. On average, 10 years after admission, students may receive salary up to $ 80,900. Stanford strong on the technical program, computer science, and is considered the cradle of the training he grew the world's technology. Photo: Facebook. 

Harvard University in Massachusetts ranked second in the list. The successful rate is 6%, the average SAT score at 1,501. After 10 years from the date of admission, Harvard Alumni earning the average wage $ 87,200. This is also one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Photo: Getty.

Third on the list is also familiar name on the world rankings-Yale University in Connecticut. The successful rate of school only at 6% and an average SAT score of 1,497. The average income of the top high alumni, $ 66,000. Photo: Facebook.

Princeton University-University leads the ranking of the best universities in the US 2016, enrolment is also very strict when only 7% of the successful candidates. The average SAT score of this people are 1,495. The average income level after 10 years of admission is $ 75,100. Photo: Facebook.

With the successful rate is 7% and an average SAT score of 1,471, Columbia University stood Thursday on the chart. The oldest school in the State of New York also brings the opportunity to earn about $ 72,900 for students after 10 years of admission. Photo: Facebook.

Massachusetts Institute of technology ranked sixth with 8% of the successful candidates and an average SAT score of 1,503. The majority of the Alumni of this school for leading technology companies such as Google, Microsft, Apple with the average wage of about $ 91,600. Photo: Flickr.

Brown University, one of eight members of the Ivy League universities group, appeared on the list at number seven. Every year, the school receives only about 9% of participants admission applicants.The average SAT score is reached 1,425 and of average income level of about $ 59,700 alumni.Photo: Facebook.

The University of Chicago is also known for its strict admissions procedure that only 9% of the participants have the opportunity to study here. The quality of student input at a high level, the average SAT score was 1,504. Chicago is considered to be one of the names to ensure success in the future when the average income level of $ 62,800 reach alumni. Photo: Facebook. 

California Institute of technology ranked nine successful rate reached 9% and the average SAT score was 1,534. After 10 years since admission, alumni schools earn about $ 74,000. Photo: Flickr.

Ranked last on the rankings is the University of Pennsylvania with the successful rate of 10%. The average SAT score of students this year totaled 1,442. With top quality, guaranteed for UPenn alumni life stable, average income of about $ 78,200, along many promotion opportunities in your career.Photo: Facebook.
