The advantage when reserve study in England

Students not yet old enough or is not satisfactory to the school can still study at the universities and owned by level, international certificate.

Reserve University is the choice of many students when not yet able to meet the requirements in the field. With this form, students still studying in the campus of the University of Great Britain, with modern facilities and quality training of international standard.

The children are provided platform knowledge, experience and skill of the best University; owned by the issued certificates are recognized throughout the world.

Here are 5 great education group in the UK have Foundation course:

CEG Corporation

Cambridge Education Group (CEG) is the professional education group offers intensive English, GCSE, A level, IB, pre-university, undergraduate 1 year, pre-masters ... Top quality group of Britain, which the foundation learned to appreciate and attract large numbers of students from all over the world.

We had the CEG scholarships of up to 35% of tuition for University, College, 1 year pre-masters.

Kaplan Corporation

Kaplan is the major institution in the world to receive the thousands of international students each year. Study at Kaplan, students are trained according to academic standards are designed by the University. Completed college preparatory program, students can enter the next course at other leading universities of England and the world.

Kaplan training English courses, University preparation, College preparation, master with international standards. Kaplan are admitted with scholarship programs to 50% of the course fee.

The Group INTO

The education group INTO a part of the 11 universities in the UK, English courses, training at A level, University Foundation, 1st year undergraduate, pre-masters. The school helps international students who have a solid foundation and confidence comes with the courses of the universities.

In INTO, students studying in a favorable environment with small class size, learning right at the University campus. All schools are located in the Corporation's top 20 outstanding universities in the UK.

The Foundation course at the INTO has affordable, many scholarship opportunities 100% tuition fee for international students.

Every year, INTO accepting international students from all over the world, so the school has health care and support services for international students including accommodation of high quality. 

Navitas group

Navitas education group (IBT ago) is the system of global institutions and is one of the largest system for university transfer programs.

Many students choose appropriate at Navitas from the course, duration, location and links with leading universities in Britain, Australia, Canada. Each year, thousands of international students choose the transition program of the Navitas.

In the UK, Navitas system has the Academy placed in London, Wales, Cambridge ... The Group taught the English language program, University preparation, College (undergraduate) and graduate (Master) for domestic and international students.

Navitas Education Group spends some scholarships worth 50% of the tuition fees for the students.Students who do not yet have the English score can test Pearson test free of Navitas.

Study Group Holdings

Study Group is one of the world's largest education group, provides courses in English and University preparation, first year University for international students; pre-Masters students eager to learn the next course in the UK's top universities.

Study Group is the partner of nearly 200 universities in the UK, Australia, us, Canada, New Zealand.Every year, more than 50,000 students from 120 countries attended the training program of Study Group and was admitted to the University.

In the Study Group, students studying in the University's campus, small class size, are all matters of interest to study, invest in modern learning equipment. Teachers experienced here came from 16 universities across the UK's reputation.

Students registered for University courses, year 1 and pre-masters University will have the opportunity to receive scholarships worth 3,000-8,000 pounds.
