Studying tourism hotels in New Zealand

Students will be exposed to quality lifestyle in the activities of the training school modeled after the hotel and travel the world famous Swiss. 

New Zealand is a beautiful country of Oceania, travel destinations many tourists around the world and is the choice of international students who wish to study and permanent settlement. 

with the tourism industry in New Zealand hotels at the school of management international Tourism Pihms, students will learn training programs world-class hotel; exposure quality lifestyle in the operation of schools, according to the model train hotel and travel the world famous Swiss. 

Pacific International Hotel Management School - Pihms located in the city of New Plymouth, between Auckland and Wellington, is known as an ideal tourist destination of New Zealand. You can learn more information about the city of New Plymouth and within Vietnam Pihms school. Mr. Jimmy - External staff of the school development organization Pihms seminar will introduce the school.

Pihms has trained hundreds of students, providing resources for hotel management industry and tourism around the world. Over 90% of graduates in the working out of the big hotels of the world. With high educational achievement, the honor Pihms awarded "Export Award" of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2003. 

Pihms built as a 4-5 star standard hotels to shelter and learning for students member. the facilities of a modern school with classrooms, study rooms, library, sport centers, restaurants and hotels ... this environment fully meet the needs of training and practice of students as in actual work environment. 

Our students in double occupancy per room, fully equipped living and weekly cleaning. the cost of food in accordance with quality upscale hotels with 6,510 NZD in 6 months. this cost includes 3 meals a day, learning to work in various parts of the hotel and business aspects related to the hotel service industry.

The curriculum in practical Pihms to process a theory session, a period of internship at the school and a minimum of 800 hours in the big hotels in New Zealand and around the world. Students enjoy minimum wage internship in New Zealand is 12 NZD per hour (35 hours a week). 

During the lectures, in addition to class time, students can work 20 hours per week (not taxpayers) to supplement the knowledge, experience and professional skills development. 

Our students are trained with the aim after graduation will assume management positions at major hotels. Methods, curriculum, school interns are factors to ensure its students after graduation can grow successfully in management positions.

The reasons should be studied in Pihms 

Pihms New Zealand Government recognizes that education and training institute officially operating since 1995, there have been many achievements in the training; New Zealand Dollar exchange rate of the world's most competitive, so tuition is right for studying in other countries. 

All courses and qualifications are Pihms New Zealand government officially recognized; the industry leader in executive education tourist hotels, always welcoming recruiters to search the new human resources. 

Pihms located in the beautiful and romantic environment with a lot of extra-curricular activities for for students; Bachelors hundreds Pihms has successfully been working in senior positions in the industry worldwide ... 


Sector International Hospitality Management, college grade school for 2.5 years in the period of 5 it has 3 theoretical sessions in schools (22 weeks each) and 2 full-time internship. 

After completion of the diploma program, students will learn the theory at the school six months to get a college degree. 

graduate certificate in Management hotel class time of 1.5 years (including 2 terms of lectures and an internship) 

Program master in hospitality Management sector will study 1.5 years (including 3 terms learning theory).
