Group learning methods in modern amphitheater in the world

In the advanced education such as the US, Singapore, group learning method (team-based learning) are widely applied in order to enhance the initiative of students.

At Harvard Medical School, Usa, team-based learning methods are widely applied. Students sit in groups of 4 to 6 people. They watch the video, read the documentation, discuss, collaborate, seek to resolve the problem. With this method, students learn from faculty, friends acted as the lead.Harvard University focuses on teaching methods of thinking than knowledge. Photo:

Classrooms, library at Princeton University, United States of America are designed to enhance the interaction between learners. In addition to discussion, exchange of ideas, students study economics also founded the group in the summer to apply knowledge into practice. Photo:

Massachusetts Institute of technology, U.s.a. using TEAL class model allows students to easily group discussion, exchange of ideas between members and with the teacher through the high-tech equipment. Photo:

From 2014, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore began converting the traditional classroom model to high technology application form, taking the team-based learning method in teaching and learning. Photo:

The University of Texas at Austin, United States of America also toward learning divide the class into small groups to enhance the Exchange and cooperation between the students. With this method, students are assigned in advance, each prepare relevant documents, proposed the opinion of yourself, send trainers. Next, the members of the Exchange team, combined to present before the class.Photo:

The University of the State of Montana (USA) use smart lecture model. Students sit in groups of 9 people. They exchange, support each other in learning. Instead of standing on the podium, teachers move between tables to support students borders enquiries. Photo:

Team-based learning methods are widely applied in the fields of medicine, including the medical school of the University of Stanford, Usa. The professors here believe that this method helps students actively seek knowledge. Each student is a mentor for themselves and other classmates. Photo:

California Institute of technology, Usa also use team-based learning methods in order to enhance the positive, proactive and creativity of students. Besides the support from technology products, trainers must redesign the content appropriate learning how to work in small groups. Photo:

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, United States of America apply working methods of working groups. Instead of submitting essays, students will play the role of an entrepreneur plans to invest or how to solve the problem. When completed personal job, they will work in groups to find the optimal approach. Photo:
